| 2005 |
45 |  | Jia-Lang Seng,
S. Bing Yao,
Alan R. Hevner:
Requirements-driven database systems benchmark method.
Decision Support Systems 38(4): 629-648 (2005) |
| 1996 |
44 |  | Rex Blankinship,
Alan R. Hevner,
S. Bing Yao:
An Iterative Method for Distributed Database Optimization.
Data Knowl. Eng. 21(1): 1-30 (1996) |
| 1991 |
43 |  | Rex Blankinship,
Alan R. Hevner,
S. Bing Yao:
An Iterative Method for Distributed Database Design.
VLDB 1991: 389-400 |
| 1988 |
42 |  | J. Lin,
S. Wang,
S. Bing Yao:
A Portable Locking System for Local Area Networks.
SIGSMALL/PC 1988: 62-68 |
| 1987 |
41 |  | Takanobu Baba,
Hideki Saito,
S. Bing Yao:
A Network Algorithm for Relational Database Operations.
IWDM 1987: 202-215 |
40 |  | Takanobu Baba,
S. Bing Yao,
Alan R. Hevner:
Design of a Functionally Distributed, Multiprocessor Database Machine Using Data Flow Analysis.
IEEE Trans. Computers 36(6): 650-666 (1987) |
39 |  | S. Bing Yao,
Alan R. Hevner,
Hélène Young-Myers:
Analysis of Database System Architectures Using Benchmarks.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 13(6): 709-725 (1987) |
| 1985 |
38 |  | S. Bing Yao:
Principles of Database Design, Volume I: Logical Organizations
Prentice-Hall 1985 |
37 |  | Alan R. Hevner,
S. Bing Yao:
Network Database Design Methods.
Principles of Database Design (I) 1985: 294-324 |
36 |  | S. Bing Yao,
Vance E. Waddle,
Barron C. Housel:
An Interactive System for Database Design and Integration.
Principles of Database Design (I) 1985: 325-360 |
35 |  | Alan R. Hevner,
O. Qi Wu,
S. Bing Yao:
Query Optimization on Local Area Networks.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 3(1): 35-62 (1985) |
| 1984 |
34 |  | S. Bing Yao,
Alan R. Hevner,
Zhongzhi Shi,
Dawei Luo:
FORMANAGER: An Office Forms Management System.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 2(3): 235-262 (1984) |
| 1983 |
33 |  | Peter M. G. Apers,
Alan R. Hevner,
S. Bing Yao:
Optimization Algorithms for Distributed Queries.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 9(1): 57-68 (1983) |
| 1982 |
32 |  | S. Bing Yao,
Shamkant B. Navathe,
Jay-Louise Weldon,
Tosiyasu L. Kunii:
Data Base Design Techniques I: Requirements and Logical Structures, NYU Symposium, New York, May 1978, Proceedings
Springer 1982 |
31 |  | S. Bing Yao,
Tosiyasu L. Kunii:
Data Base Design Techniques II: Physical Structures and Applications, The Symposium on Data Base Engineering, Tokyo, November 1979, Proceedings
Springer 1982 |
30 |  | Dawei Luo,
Daozhong Xia,
S. Bing Yao:
Data language requirements of database machines.
AFIPS National Computer Conference 1982: 617-626 |
29 |  | Fu Tong,
S. Bing Yao:
Performance analysis of database join processors.
AFIPS National Computer Conference 1982: 627-638 |
28 |  | Larry Kerschberg,
Peter D. Ting,
S. Bing Yao:
Query Optimization in Star Computer Networks.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 7(4): 678-711 (1982) |
27 |  | Giovanni Maria Sacco,
S. Bing Yao:
Query Optimization in Distributed Data Base Systems.
Advances in Computers 21: 225-273 (1982) |
26 |  | S. Bing Yao,
Alan R. Hevner:
Physical Database Design at the University of Maryland.
IEEE Database Eng. Bull. 5(1): 16-21 (1982) |
25 |  | Alan R. Hevner,
S. Bing Yao:
Research Direction in Query Optimization at the University of Maryland.
IEEE Database Eng. Bull. 5(3): 28-32 (1982) |
24 |  | S. Bing Yao,
Vance E. Waddle,
Barron C. Housel:
View Modeling and Integration Using the Functional Data Model.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 8(6): 544-553 (1982) |
| 1981 |
23 |  | Dawei Luo,
S. Bing Yao:
Form Operation By Example: A Language For Office Information Processing.
SIGMOD Conference 1981: 212-223 |
22 |  | Philip L. Lehman,
S. Bing Yao:
Efficient Locking for Concurrent Operations on B-Trees.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 6(4): 650-670 (1981) |
21 |  | S. Bing Yao,
Fu Tong,
You-Zhoa Sheng:
The System Architecture of a Database Machine (DBM).
IEEE Database Eng. Bull. 4(2): 53-62 (1981) |
| 1980 |
20 |  | Benjamin W. Wah,
S. Bing Yao:
DIALOG: a distributed processor organization for database machine.
AFIPS National Computer Conference 1980: 243-253 |
| 1979 |
19 |  | Barron C. Housel,
Vance E. Waddle,
S. Bing Yao:
The Functional Dependency Model for Logical Database Design.
VLDB 1979: 194-208 |
18 |  | S. Bing Yao:
Optimization of Query Evaluation Algorithms.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 4(2): 133-155 (1979) |
17 |  | Alan R. Hevner,
S. Bing Yao:
Query Processing in Distributed Database Systems.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 5(3): 177-187 (1979) |
| 1978 |
16 |  | S. Bing Yao:
Fourth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, September 13-15, 1978, West Berlin, Germany.
IEEE Computer Society 1978 |
15 |  | Alan R. Hevner,
S. Bing Yao:
Query Processing on a Distributed Database.
Berkeley Workshop 1978: 91-107 |
14 |  | S. Bing Yao,
Shamkant B. Navathe,
Jay-Louise Weldon:
An Integrated Approach to Database Design.
Data Base Design Techniques I 1978: 1-30 |
13 |  | S. Bing Yao,
D. DeJong:
Evaluation of Database Access Paths.
SIGMOD Conference 1978: 66-77 |
12 |  | Janis A. Bubenko Jr.,
S. Bing Yao:
Data Base Design Tools.
VLDB 1978: 2 |
11 |  | Janis A. Bubenko Jr.,
S. Bing Yao:
Data Base Design Tools.
VLDB Surveys 1978: 25-26 |
10 |  | S. Bing Yao:
Review of Oregon Report on Computing, March 20-22, 1978, Portland, Oregon.
IEEE Database Eng. Bull. 2(1): 1 (1978) |
| 1977 |
9 |  | Peter P. Chen,
S. Bing Yao:
Design and Performance Tools for Data Base Systems.
VLDB 1977: 3-15 |
8 |  | S. Bing Yao:
An Attribute Based Model for Database Access Cost Analysis.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 2(1): 45-67 (1977) |
7 |  | S. Bing Yao:
Approximating the Number of Accesses in Database Organizations.
Commun. ACM 20(4): 260-261 (1977) |
6 |  | Rangasami L. Kashyap,
S. K. C. Subas,
S. Bing Yao:
Analysis of the Multiple-Attribute-Tree Data-Base Organization.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 3(6): 451-467 (1977) |
5 |  | J. H. Liou,
S. Bing Yao:
Multi-dimensional clustering for data base organizations.
Inf. Syst. 2(4): 187-198 (1977) |
4 |  | K. Hwang,
S. Bing Yao:
Optimal Batched Searching of Tree Structured Files in Multiprocessor Computer Systems.
J. ACM 24(3): 441-454 (1977) |
| 1976 |
3 |  | S. Bing Yao,
K. Sundar Das,
Toby J. Teorey:
A Dynamic Database Reorganization Algorithm.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 1(2): 159-174 (1976) |
| 1975 |
2 |  | S. Bing Yao,
Alan G. Merten:
Selection of File Organization Using an Analytic Model.
VLDB 1975: 255-267 |
1 |  | K. Sundar Das,
Toby J. Teorey,
S. Bing Yao:
Reorganization Points for File Designs with Nonlinear Processing Costs.
VLDB 1975: 516-518 |