| 2007 |
15 |  | Adrian Baras,
César A. Galindo-Legaria,
Torsten Grabs,
Babu Krishnaswamy,
Shankar Pal:
Optimizing Similar Scalar Subqueries for XML Processing in Microsoft SQL Server.
ICDE 2007: 1164-1173 |
| 2006 |
14 |  | Shankar Pal,
Dragan Tomic,
Brandon Berg,
Joe Xavier:
Managing Collections of XML Schemas in Microsoft SQL Server 2005.
EDBT 2006: 1102-1105 |
| 2005 |
13 |  | Shankar Pal,
Istvan Cseri,
Oliver Seeliger,
Michael Rys,
Gideon Schaller,
Wei Yu,
Dragan Tomic,
Adrian Baras,
Brandon Berg,
Denis Churin,
Eugene Kogan:
XQuery Implementation in a Relational Database System.
VLDB 2005: 1175-1186 |
| 2004 |
12 |  | Patrick E. O'Neil,
Elizabeth J. O'Neil,
Shankar Pal,
Istvan Cseri,
Gideon Schaller,
Nigel Westbury:
ORDPATHs: Insert-Friendly XML Node Labels.
SIGMOD Conference 2004: 903-908 |
11 |  | Shankar Pal,
Istvan Cseri,
Gideon Schaller,
Oliver Seeliger,
Leo Giakoumakis,
Vasili Vasili Zolotov:
Indexing XML Data Stored in a Relational Database.
VLDB 2004: 1134-1145 |
| 2000 |
10 |  | Philip A. Bernstein,
Shankar Pal,
David Shutt:
Context-based prefetch - an optimization for implementing objects on relations.
VLDB J. 9(3): 177-189 (2000) |
| 1999 |
9 |  | Thomas Bergstraesser,
Philip A. Bernstein,
Shankar Pal,
David Shutt:
Versions and Workspaces in Microsoft Repository.
SIGMOD Conference 1999: 532-533 |
8 |  | Philip A. Bernstein,
Shankar Pal,
David Shutt:
Context-Based Prefetch for Implementing Objects on Relations.
VLDB 1999: 327-338 |
7 |  | Philip A. Bernstein,
Thomas Bergstraesser,
Jason Carlson,
Shankar Pal,
Paul Sanders,
David Shutt:
Microsoft Repository Version 2 and the Open Information Model.
Inf. Syst. 24(2): 71-98 (1999) |
| 1996 |
6 |  | Andrew Warner,
Qiang Li,
Thomas F. Keefe,
Shankar Pal:
The Impact of Multilevel Security on Database Buffer Management.
ESORICS 1996: 266-289 |
| 1995 |
5 |  | Shankar Pal:
A Locking Protocol for MLS Databases Providing Support For Long Transactions.
DBSec 1995: 183-198 |
| 1994 |
4 |  | Shankar Pal,
Sitaram Lanka:
A Study of the Relationship Among Various Notions of Serializability.
Australasian Database Conference 1994: 316-327 |
3 |  | Shankar Pal,
Sitaram Lanka:
Transaction Processing in Multidatabase Systems Without Atomic Commitment Protocol.
Australasian Database Conference 1994: 328-345 |
2 |  | Shankar Pal,
Sitaram Lanka:
Isolation of Transaction Aborts in Object-Oriented Database Management Systems.
CIKM 1994: 179-186 |
1 |  | Shankar Pal,
Sitaram Lanka:
Conflict-Dependency: Combining Concurrency Beyond Commutativity with Efficient Recovery.
COMAD 1994: 0- |