Semistructured Data.
Peter Buneman:
Semistructured Data.
PODS 1997: 117-121@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/pods/Buneman97,
author = {Peter Buneman},
title = {Semistructured Data},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium
on Principles of Database Systems, May 12-14, 1997, Tucson, Arizona},
publisher = {ACM Press},
year = {1997},
isbn = {0-89791-910-6},
pages = {117-121},
ee = {, db/conf/pods/Buneman97.html},
crossref = {DBLP:conf/pods/97},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
In semistructured data, the information that is normally associated with
a schema is contained within the data, which is sometimes called
"self-describing". In some forms of semistructured data there is no
separate schema, in others it exists but only places loose constraints
on the data. Semistructured data has recently emerged as an important
topic of study for a variety of reasons. First, there are data sources
such as the Web, which we would like to treat as databases but which
cannot be constrained by a schema. Second, it may be desirable to have
an extremely flexible format for data exchange between disparate databases.
Third, even when dealing with structured data, it may be helpful to view it
as semistructured for the purposes of browsing. This tutorial will cover a
number of issues surrounding such data: finding a concise formulation,
building a sufficiently expressive language for querying and transformation,
and optimization problems.
Copyright © 1997 by the ACM,
Inc., used by permission. Permission to make
digital or hard copies is granted provided that
copies are not made or distributed for profit or
direct commercial advantage, and that copies show
this notice on the first page or initial screen of
a display along with the full citation.
Load The ACM SIGMOD Anthology, CDROM Edition, Volume 1-3, PODS '82-'98.
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Printed Edition
Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems, May 12-14, 1997, Tucson, Arizona.
ACM Press 1997, ISBN 0-89791-910-6
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Slides of the Tutorial
- [1]
- Serge Abiteboul:
Querying Semi-Structured Data.
ICDT 1997: 1-18

- [2]
- Serge Abiteboul, Sophie Cluet, Vassilis Christophides, Tova Milo, Guido Moerkotte, Jérôme Siméon:
Querying Documents in Object Databases.
Int. J. on Digital Libraries 1(1): 5-19(1997)

- [3]
- Serge Abiteboul, Sophie Cluet, Tova Milo:
Querying and Updating the File.
VLDB 1993: 73-84

- [4]
- ...
- [5]
- Serge Abiteboul, Dallan Quass, Jason McHugh, Jennifer Widom, Janet L. Wiener:
The Lorel Query Language for Semistructured Data.
Int. J. on Digital Libraries 1(1): 68-88(1997)

- [6]
- Serge Abiteboul, Victor Vianu:
Queries and Computation on the Web.
ICDT 1997: 262-275

- [7]
- ...
- [8]
- Peter Buneman, Susan B. Davidson, Mary F. Fernandez, Dan Suciu:
Adding Structure to Unstructured Data.
ICDT 1997: 336-350

- [9]
- Peter Buneman, Susan B. Davidson, Kyle Hart, G. Christian Overton, Limsoon Wong:
A Data Transformation System for Biological Data Sources.
VLDB 1995: 158-169

- [10]
- Peter Buneman, Susan B. Davidson, Gerd G. Hillebrand, Dan Suciu:
A Query Language and Optimization Techniques for Unstructured Data.
SIGMOD Conference 1996: 505-516

- [11]
- Peter Buneman, Susan B. Davidson, Dan Suciu:
Programming Constructs for Unstructured Data.
DBPL 1995: 12

- [12]
- Peter Buneman, Shamim A. Naqvi, Val Tannen, Limsoon Wong:
Principles of Programming with Complex Objects and Collection Types.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 149(1): 3-48(1995)

- [13]
- R. G. G. Cattell:
The Object Database Standard: ODMG-93 (Release 1.2).
Morgan Kaufmann 1996

- [14]
- Sophie Cluet, Claude Delobel:
A General Framework for the Optimization of Object-Oriented Queries.
SIGMOD Conference 1992: 383-392

- [15]
- ...
- [16]
- Mariano P. Consens, Alberto O. Mendelzon:
Expressing Structural Hypertext Queries in GraphLog.
Hypertext 1989: 269-292

- [17]
- Susan B. Davidson, G. Christian Overton, Val Tannen, Limsoon Wong:
BioKleisli: A Digital Library for Biomedical Researchers.
Int. J. on Digital Libraries 1(1): 36-53(1997)

- [18]
- Mary F. Fernández, Daniela Florescu, Jaewoo Kang, Alon Y. Levy, Dan Suciu:
STRUDEL: A Web-site Management System.
SIGMOD Conference 1997: 549-552

- [19]
- Mary F. Fernandez, Lucian Popa, Dan Suciu:
A Structure-Based Approach to Querying Semi-Structured Data.
DBPL 1997: 136-159

- [20]
- ...
- [21]
- Hector Garcia-Molina, Dallan Quass, Yannis Papakonstantinou, Anand Rajaraman, Yehoshua Sagiv, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Jennifer Widom:
The TSIMMIS Approach to Mediation: Data Models and Languages.
NGITS 1995: 0-

- [22]
- Roy Goldman, Jennifer Widom:
DataGuides: Enabling Query Formulation and Optimization in Semistructured Databases.
VLDB 1997: 436-445

- [23]
- ...
- [24]
- Michael Kifer, Won Kim, Yehoshua Sagiv:
Querying Object-Oriented Databases.
SIGMOD Conference 1992: 393-402

- [25]
- ...
- [26]
- Laks V. S. Lakshmanan, Fereidoon Sadri, Iyer N. Subramanian:
A Declarative Language for Querying and Restructuring the WEB.
RIDE-NDS 1996: 12-21

- [27]
- Jason McHugh, Serge Abiteboul, Roy Goldman, Dallan Quass, Jennifer Widom:
Lore: A Database Management System for Semistructured Data.
SIGMOD Record 26(3): 54-66(1997)

- [28]
- Jason McHugh, Jennifer Widom:
Integrating Dynamically-Fetched External Information into a DBMS for Semistructured Data.
SIGMOD Record 26(4): 24-31(1997)

- [29]
- Alberto O. Mendelzon, George A. Mihaila, Tova Milo:
Querying the World Wide Web.
PDIS 1996: 80-91

- [30]
- Alberto O. Mendelzon, Tova Milo:
Formal Models of Web Queries.
PODS 1997: 134-143

- [31]
- Svetlozar Nestorov, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Janet L. Wiener, Sudarshan S. Chawathe:
Representative Objects: Concise Representations of Semistructured, Hierarchial Data.
ICDE 1997: 79-90

- [32]
- Yannis Papakonstantinou, Serge Abiteboul, Hector Garcia-Molina:
Object Fusion in Mediator Systems.
VLDB 1996: 413-424

- [33]
- Yannis Papakonstantinou, Hector Garcia-Molina, Jennifer Widom:
Object Exchange Across Heterogeneous Information Sources.
ICDE 1995: 251-260

- [34]
- Dallan Quass, Anand Rajaraman, Yehoshua Sagiv, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Jennifer Widom:
Querying Semistructured Heterogeneous Information.
DOOD 1995: 319-344

- [35]
- Dan Suciu:
Query Decomposition and View Maintenance for Query Languages for Unstructured Data.
VLDB 1996: 227-238

- [36]
- ...
Copyright © Sun Mar 14 23:21:19 2010
by Michael Ley (