Poster Sessions

Poster # range Tuesday Wednesday Thursday How to locate a poster:
1-5 A1 A3 A6 1. Use the Session Code of the paper (e.g., B3), look up its Poster # range and day (e.g., 16-20 and Wednesday).
2. Find the poster in the designated Poster # range on the designated day (the Poster Session Map will help you locate a Poster # range).
3. Within each designated range, poster boards will be taken up by papers on a first-come-first-serve basis.
6-10 B1 A4 A7
11-15 B2 A5 A8
16-20 C1 B3 V6
21-25 C2 B4 V7
26-30 D1 B5 V8
31-35 D2 C3 C6
36-40 E1 C4 C7
41-45 E2 C5 C8 Poster Session Map:
46-50 F1 D3 D6 TBD (maps Poster # ranges to locations in the poster area)
51-55 F2 D4 D7
56-60 G1 D5 D8
61-65 G2 E3 E6
66-70 H1 E4 E7
71-75 H2 E5 E8
76-80 VLDBJ F3 U6
81-85 VLDBJ F4 U7
86-90 F5 U8
91-95 G3 G6
96-100 G4 G7
101-105 G5 G8
106-110 H3 H6
111-115 H4 H7
116-120 H5 H8

Posters of the VLDB Journal

PARROT: Pattern-Based Correlation Exploitation in Big Partitioned Data Series Authors: Liang Zhang (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) Noura Alghamdi (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) Huayi Zhang (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) Mohamed Y. Eltabakh (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) Elke A. Rundensteiner (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) Corresponding author: Zhang, Liang <>,

P2CG: A Privacy Preserving Collaborative Graph Neural Network Training Framework Xupeng Miao (Peking University) Wentao Zhang (Peking University) Yuezihan Jiang (Peking University) Fangcheng Fu (Peking University) Yingxia Shao (Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications) Lei Chen (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) Yangyu Tao (Tencent) Gang Cao (Beijing Academy of Artifical Intelligence Author Institution is Unverified) Bin Cui (Peking University)

A Generic Framework for Efficient Computation of Top-k Diverse Results Md Mouinul Islam (New Jersey Institute of Technology) Mahsa Asadi (New Jersey Institute of Technology) Sihem Amer-Yahia (CNRS: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) Senjuti Basu Roy (New Jersey Institute of Technology)

A Meta-level Analysis of Online Anomaly Detectors Antonios Ntroumpogiannis (University of Crete) Michail Giannoulis, (Clermont Auvergne University) Nikolaos Myrtakis (University of Crete) Vassilis CHRISTOPHIDES (Ecole Nationale Superieure de Statistique et d'Economie Appliquee) Eric Simon (SAP) Ioannis Tsamardinos (University of Crete)

Data Collection and Quality Challenges in Deep Learning: A Data-Centric AI Perspective Steven Euijong Whang (KAIST) Yuji Roh (KAIST) Hwanjun Song (Naver Labs) Jae-Gil Lee (KAIST)

A Survey on Deep Learning Approaches for Text-to-SQL George Katsogiannis (Athena Research and Innovation Center) Georgia Koutrika (Athena Research and Innovation Center)

Survey of Window Types for Aggregation in Stream Processing Systems Juliane Verwiebe (Technische Universität Berlin) Philipp M Grulich (Technische Universität Berlin) Jonas Traub (Technische Universität Berlin) Volker Markl (Technische Universität Berlin)

Temporal graph patterns by timed automata Amir Pouya Aghasadeghi (New York University) Jan Van den Bussche (Hasselt University) Julia Stoyanovich (New York University)