The submission deadline is now extended to April 7.

VLDB 2024: Call for Contributions – Demonstrations

VLDB 2024 invites submissions for software demonstration proposals on any topic of interest, broadly defined, to the data management community. Software demonstrations are accompanied by short papers which will appear in the PVLDB proceedings upon acceptance. One of the demonstrations presented at the conference will be selected to receive the VLDB 2024 Best Demo Award.

Important Dates

All deadlines below are 5 PM Pacific Time.

Demo Proposals

The proposal must describe the demonstrated system, and state the novelty and significance of the contribution to data management research, technologies, and/or its applications. The proposal should pay special attention to describing the exact demonstration scenarios for the given system. This should include how the audience will experience the demo, what kind of functionality is supported, user scenarios, interface and interaction options, etc. Proposals must be submitted in camera-ready format and limited to 4 pages, inclusive of ALL material. Formatting guidelines and document templates are available at Submissions are single-blind and must contain author names and affiliations.

Video Submissions

We encourage the submission of a demonstration video (of up to 5 minutes, 50MB max. file size) together with your demonstration proposal via CMT. Both the demonstration proposal and the video will then be accessible by the reviewers. Your video should summarize your demonstration and also audio-visually highlight its most important aspects, such as the user interface, options for user interactions, the system setup, etc. The video should be submitted in MPEG/AVI/MP4 format and be playable by the common media players. Please note that you will need to first finish your demo proposal submission and then edit it to add the video as a supplementary file.

Originality and Duplicate Submissions

Note that demonstration proposals must not have been published, or be under consideration for publication, at any other forum. Demonstration proposals should specifically focus on the genuine aspects of the described systems and the intended interaction with the audience; they should not be a short version of an existing conference paper (whether or not this may have been published elsewhere).


To minimize biases in the evaluation process, we use CMT's conflict management system, through which authors should flag conflicts with the Demo Program Committee members. All authors of a submission must declare conflicts on CMT prior to the submission deadline.

You have a conflict with X:

Demo Submission

Demonstration proposals must be submitted electronically, in PDF format, using CMT. When creating a new paper submission, you will be given the option to choose a track. Choose the "Demo" track for your demo proposal. Once you have submitted your paper, you can add your video submission file in a second step. You will find the VLDB 2024 CMT submission site at

Demo Track Chairs

Sihem Amer-Yahia, CNRS & Univ. Grenoble Alpes
Yongxin Tong, Beihang University (BUAA)
Yuncheng Wu, National University of Singapore

Demo Track PC Members