| 2008 |
16 |  | Josef Urban,
Geoff Sutcliffe,
Petr Pudlák,
Jirí Vyskocil:
MaLARea SG1- Machine Learner for Automated Reasoning with Semantic Guidance.
IJCAR 2008: 441-456 |
15 |  | Josef Urban:
Automated Reasoning for Mizar: Artificial Intelligence through Knowledge Exchange.
LPAR Workshops 2008 |
14 |  | Josef Urban,
Geoff Sutcliffe:
ATP-based Cross-Verification of Mizar Proofs: Method, Systems, and First Experiments.
Mathematics in Computer Science 2(2): 231-251 (2008) |
| 2007 |
13 |  | Geoff Sutcliffe,
Josef Urban,
Stephan Schulz:
Proceedings of the CADE-21 Workshop on Empirically Successful Automated Reasoning in Large Theories, Bremen, Germany, 17th July 2007
CEUR-WS.org 2007 |
12 |  | Josef Urban:
MaLARea: a Metasystem for Automated Reasoning in Large Theories.
ESARLT 2007 |
11 |  | Josef Urban,
Geoff Sutcliffe:
ATP Cross-Verification of the Mizar MPTP Challenge Problems.
LPAR 2007: 546-560 |
10 |  | Josef Urban,
Grzegorz Bancerek:
Presenting and Explaining Mizar.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 174(2): 63-74 (2007) |
| 2006 |
9 |  | Josef Urban:
Momm - Fast Interreduction and Retrieval in Large Libraries of Formalized Mathematics.
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 15(1): 109-130 (2006) |
8 |  | Josef Urban:
MizarMode - an integrated proof assistance tool for the Mizar way of formalizing mathematics.
J. Applied Logic 4(4): 414-427 (2006) |
7 |  | Josef Urban:
MPTP 0.2: Design, Implementation, and Initial Experiments.
J. Autom. Reasoning 37(1-2): 21-43 (2006) |
| 2005 |
6 |  | Josef Urban:
XML-izing Mizar: Making Semantic Processing and Presentation of MML Easy.
MKM 2005: 346-360 |
| 2004 |
5 |  | Grzegorz Bancerek,
Josef Urban:
Integrated Semantic Browsing of the Mizar Mathematical Library for Authoring Mizar Articles.
MKM 2004: 44-57 |
4 |  | Josef Urban:
MPTP - Motivation, Implementation, First Experiments.
J. Autom. Reasoning 33(3-4): 319-339 (2004) |
| 2003 |
3 |  | Josef Urban:
Translating Mizar for First Order Theorem Provers.
MKM 2003: 203-215 |
2 |  | Josef Urban:
MPTP 0.1: System Description.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 86(1): (2003) |
| 2001 |
1 |  | Josef Urban,
Dave Wisely,
Edgar Bolinth,
Georg Neureiter,
Mika Liljeberg,
Tomás Robles Valladares:
BRAIN - an architecture for a broadband radio access network of the next generation.
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 1(1): 55-75 (2001) |