| 2009 |
38 |  | Germano Resconi,
Zenon Chaczko:
Morphotronic System (Theory).
EUROCAST 2009: 9-16 |
37 |  | Zenon Chaczko,
Germano Resconi:
Morphotronic System Applications.
EUROCAST 2009: 905-912 |
36 |  | Germano Resconi,
Boris Kovalerchuk:
Agents' model of uncertainty.
Knowl. Inf. Syst. 18(2): 213-229 (2009) |
| 2008 |
35 |  | Germano Resconi,
Boris Kovalerchuk:
Fusion in agent-based uncertainty theory and neural image of uncertainty.
IJCNN 2008: 3538-3544 |
34 |  | Germano Resconi:
Morphic Computing.
New Directions in Intelligent Interactive Multimedia 2008: 1-20 |
33 |  | Germano Resconi,
Masoud Nikravesh:
Morphic computing.
Appl. Soft Comput. 8(3): 1164-1177 (2008) |
32 |  | Victoria López,
Javier Montero,
Luis Garmendia,
Germano Resconi:
Specification and Computing States in Fuzzy Algorithms.
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 16(3): 301-336 (2008) |
| 2007 |
31 |  | Germano Resconi,
Boris Kovalerchuk:
Explanatory Model for the Break of Logic Equivalence by Irrational Agents in Elkan's Paradox.
EUROCAST 2007: 26-33 |
30 |  | Germano Resconi,
Javier Alonso:
Fuzzy Adaptive Objects (Logic of Monitors as Agents).
EUROCAST 2007: 408-414 |
29 |  | Germano Resconi,
Masoud Nikravesh:
Morphic Computing.
IFSA (2) 2007: 180-189 |
28 |  | Germano Resconi,
Masoud Nikravesh:
Morphic Computing: Web and Agents.
IFSA (2) 2007: 190-198 |
27 |  | Germano Resconi,
Boris Kovalerchuk:
Hierarchy of Logics of Irrational and Conflicting Agents.
KES-AMSTA 2007: 179-188 |
| 2006 |
26 |  | Boris Kovalerchuk,
Germano Resconi:
The Logic of Uncertainty with Irrational Agents.
JCIS 2006 |
25 |  | Zheng Pei,
Germano Resconi,
Ariën J. van der Wal,
Keyun Qin,
Yang Xu:
Interpreting and extracting fuzzy decision rules from fuzzy information systems and their inference.
Inf. Sci. 176(13): 1869-1897 (2006) |
| 2005 |
24 |  | Srikanta Patnaik,
Lakhmi C. Jain,
Spyros G. Tzafestas,
Germano Resconi,
Amit Konar:
Innovations in Robot Mobility and Control
Springer 2005 |
23 |  | Germano Resconi,
Javier Alonso Ruiz,
Raúl Izquierdo:
Fuzzy Adaptive Objects (Logic of Monitors).
EUROCAST 2005: 235-240 |
| 2004 |
22 |  | Van-Nam Huynh,
Yoshiteru Nakamori,
Tu Bao Ho,
Germano Resconi:
A context model for fuzzy concept analysis based upon modal logic.
Inf. Sci. 160(1-4): 111-129 (2004) |
| 2003 |
21 |  | Germano Resconi:
Invariants and Symmetries among Adaptive Agents.
EUROCAST 2003: 104-114 |
20 |  | Elisa Alghisi Manganello,
Germano Resconi:
Geometric Image of Statistical Learning (Morphogenetic Neuron).
EUROCAST 2003: 482-493 |
19 |  | Germano Resconi,
Chiara Ratti:
Invariants and Fuzzy Logic.
KES 2003: 207-212 |
18 |  | Tetsuya Murai,
Germano Resconi,
Michinori Nakata,
Yoshiharu Sato:
Granular Reasoning Using Zooming In & Out.
RSFDGrC 2003: 421-424 |
17 |  | Tetsuya Murai,
Yoshiharu Sato,
Germano Resconi,
Michinori Nakata:
Granular Reasoning Using Zooming In & Out: Aristotle's Categorical Syllogism.
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 82(4): (2003) |
| 2002 |
16 |  | Van-Nam Huynh,
Yoshiteru Nakamori,
Tu Bao Ho,
Germano Resconi:
A Context Model for Constructing Membership Functions of Fuzzy Concepts Based on Modal Logic.
FoIKS 2002: 93-104 |
15 |  | Germano Resconi,
Ariën J. van der Wal:
Morphogenic neural networks encode abstract rules by data.
Inf. Sci. 142(1-4): 249-273 (2002) |
| 2001 |
14 |  | Germano Resconi,
Alberto Borboni,
Rodolfo Faglia,
Monica Tiboni:
Kinematics in Robotics by the Morphogenetic Neuron.
EUROCAST 2001: 352-368 |
13 |  | Germano Resconi,
I. Burhan Türksen:
Canonical forms of fuzzy truthoods by meta-theory based upon modal logic.
Inf. Sci. 131(1-4): 157-194 (2001) |
| 2000 |
12 |  | Germano Resconi,
Tetsuya Murai,
Michinori Nakata,
Masaru Shimbo:
Semantic field: introduction.
KES 2000: 483-486 |
11 |  | Tetsuya Murai,
Germano Resconi,
Masaru Shimbo:
Degrees of significance and generation of an accessibility relation.
KES 2000: 487-490 |
10 |  | Germano Resconi,
T. Mura,
Masaru Shimbo:
Semantic field and accessibility relations.
KES 2000: 491-494 |
9 |  | Germano Resconi,
Tetsuya Murai,
Masaru Shimbo:
Uncertainty and the semantic field.
KES 2000: 581-584 |
8 |  | Germano Resconi,
Tetsuya Murai,
Michinori Nakata:
Semantic field as a bridge between data and decision.
KES 2000: 589-593 |
7 |  | Michinori Nakata,
Tetsuya Murai,
Germano Resconi:
Handling Data with Plural Sources in Databases.
Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing 2000: 404-411 |
| 1999 |
6 |  | Germano Resconi:
Partition of Systems by General System Logical Theory (GSLT).
EUROCAST 1999: 169-181 |
5 |  | G. V. Tzvetkova,
Germano Resconi:
Solution of the Robot Forward Dynamics Problem by Using a Recursive Procedure Based on the General System Logical Theory.
I. J. Robotic Res. 18(10): 1030-1043 (1999) |
| 1998 |
4 |  | Michinori Nakata,
Germano Resconi,
Tetsuya Murai:
On the treatment of imperfect information in intelligent databases.
KES (3) 1998: 168-176 |
| 1997 |
3 |  | Michinori Nakata,
Germano Resconi,
Tetsuya Murai:
Handling Imperfection in Databases: A Modal Logic Approach.
DEXA 1997: 613-622 |
2 |  | Germano Resconi,
A. Wayne Wymore:
Model-Based System Design for Engineering (T3SD) and General System Logical Theory.
EUROCAST 1997: 202-217 |
| 1994 |
1 |  | Daniel M. Dubois,
Germano Resconi,
Alessandro Raymondi:
TurboBrain: A Neural Network with Direct Learning Based on Linear or Non-Linear Threshold Logics.
CAST 1994: 278-294 |