| 2009 |
22 |  | Jia Chen,
Chi-Keung Tang,
Jue Wang:
Noise brush: interactive high quality image-noise separation.
ACM Trans. Graph. 28(5): (2009) |
21 |  | Feng Tian,
Parantu K. Shah,
Xiangjun Liu,
Nicolas Negre,
Jia Chen,
Oleksiy Karpenko,
Kevin P. White,
Robert L. Grossman:
Flynet: a genomic resource for Drosophila melanogaster transcriptional regulatory networks.
Bioinformatics 25(22): 3001-3004 (2009) |
20 |  | Jia Chen,
Kai-Kit Wong:
Communication with causal CSI and controlled information outage.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 8(5): 2221-2229 (2009) |
| 2008 |
19 |  | Jia Chen,
Lu Yuan,
Chi-Keung Tang,
Long Quan:
Robust dual motion deblurring.
CVPR 2008 |
18 |  | Jia Chen,
Kai-Kit Wong:
An Energy-Saving QoS-Based Resource Allocation for Multiuser TDMA Systems with Causal CSI.
GLOBECOM 2008: 4710-4714 |
17 |  | Xiaojun Wu,
Michael Yu Wang,
Jia Chen:
Narrow-Band Based Radial Basis Functions Implicit Surface Reconstruction.
GMP 2008: 519-525 |
16 |  | Kai-Kit Wong,
Jia Chen:
Near-Optimal Power Allocation and Multiuser Scheduling with Outage Capacity Constraints Exploiting Only Channel Statistics.
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 7(3): 812-818 (2008) |
15 |  | Yalan Ye,
Zhi-Lin Zhang,
Jia Chen:
A Robust and Non-invasive Fetal Electrocardiogram Extraction Algorithm in a Semi-Blind Way.
IEICE Transactions 91-A(3): 916-920 (2008) |
14 |  | Yu Chen,
Jia Chen,
Yang Yang:
Multi-hop Delay Performance in Wireless Mesh Networks.
MONET 13(1-2): 160-168 (2008) |
| 2007 |
13 |  | Jia Chen,
Yue Wu,
Ming Li,
Bei Hui:
Multi-Agent System-based Hierarchy Grid Middleware.
COMPSAC (2) 2007: 141-146 |
12 |  | Miao Cui,
Jia Chen,
Yu Jiang:
Constructing the Business Process of an Application System Based on Windows Workflow Foundation.
CONFENIS (1) 2007: 609-615 |
11 |  | Jia Chen,
Chi-Keung Tang:
Spatio-Temporal Markov Random Field for Video Denoising.
CVPR 2007 |
10 |  | Jia Chen,
Xiuli Chao,
Shouyang Wang:
Delayed Cash Payment, Receivable and Inventory Management.
ICNSC 2007: 105-110 |
9 |  | Feizhou Zhang,
Dongkai Yang,
Xuejun Cao,
Jia Chen:
Multi-Agent Design of Urban Oriented Traffic Integration Control System.
ISPA Workshops 2007: 386-393 |
| 2006 |
8 |  | Yong Mao,
Yunhong Gu,
Jia Chen,
Robert L. Grossman:
SDCS: Simplified Data Communications in Parallel/Distributed Applications.
CCGRID 2006: 292-295 |
7 |  | Jia-Shun Wang,
Jia Chen:
The Research and Application on Business Tier Based on J2EE.
CIMCA/IAWTIC 2006: 20 |
6 |  | Jia Chen,
Yang Yang:
Multi-hop Delay Performance in Wireless Mesh Networks.
5 |  | Jia Chen:
Carbon nanotubes for potential electronic and optoelectronic applications.
ICCAD 2006: 649-650 |
4 |  | Bei Hui,
Yue Wu,
Lin Ji,
Jia Chen:
A NB-based approach to anti-spam application: DLB Classification Model.
SKG 2006: 78 |
| 2004 |
3 |  | Jia Chen,
Shengyuan Wang,
Yuan Dong,
Gui-lan Dai,
Yang Yang:
A Functionality Based Instruction Level Software Power Estimation Model for Embedded RISC Processors.
ICESS 2004: 443-448 |
| 1999 |
2 |  | Alexander Brodsky,
Victor E. Segal,
Jia Chen,
Pavel A. Exarkhopoulo:
The CCUBE Constraint Object-Oriented Database System.
SIGMOD Conference 1999: 577-579 |
| 1997 |
1 |  | Alexander Brodsky,
Victor E. Segal,
Jia Chen,
Pavel A. Exarkhopoulo:
The CCUBE Constraint Object-Oriented Database System.
Constraints 2(3/4): 245-277 (1997) |