| 2009 |
38 |  | Jonas Mellin,
Mikael Berndtsson:
Event Detection.
Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: 1035-1040 |
37 |  | AnnMarie Ericsson,
Mikael Berndtsson,
Jonas Mellin:
Event in Active Databases.
Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: 1044-1045 |
36 |  | Jonas Mellin,
Mikael Berndtsson:
Event Specification.
Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: 1059-1063 |
35 |  | Jonas Mellin,
Mikael Berndtsson:
Explicit Event.
Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: 1080 |
34 |  | Jonas Mellin,
Mikael Berndtsson:
Implicit Event.
Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: 1404-1405 |
33 |  | Jonas Mellin,
Mikael Berndtsson:
Atomic Event.
Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: 143 |
32 |  | Mikael Berndtsson,
Jonas Mellin:
Active Database, Active Database (Management) System.
Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: 27-28 |
31 |  | Jonas Mellin,
Mikael Berndtsson:
Active Database Management System Architecture.
Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: 28-33 |
30 |  | Mikael Berndtsson,
Jonas Mellin:
Active Database Coupling Modes.
Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: 33-35 |
29 |  | Mikael Berndtsson,
Jonas Mellin:
Active Database Execution Model.
Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: 35-36 |
28 |  | Mikael Berndtsson,
Jonas Mellin:
Active Database Knowledge Model.
Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: 36-37 |
27 |  | AnnMarie Ericsson,
Mikael Berndtsson,
Jonas Mellin:
Active Database Rulebase.
Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: 37 |
26 |  | AnnMarie Ericsson,
Mikael Berndtsson,
Jonas Mellin:
Composite Event.
Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: 418-419 |
25 |  | Mikael Berndtsson,
Jonas Mellin:
Database Trigger.
Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: 738 |
24 |  | Jonas Mellin,
Mikael Berndtsson:
ECA Rule Action.
Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: 959 |
23 |  | Jonas Mellin,
Mikael Berndtsson:
ECA Rule Condition.
Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: 959 |
22 |  | Mikael Berndtsson,
Jonas Mellin:
ECA Rules.
Encyclopedia of Database Systems 2009: 959-960 |
| 2007 |
21 |  | AnnMarie Ericsson,
Paul Pettersson,
Mikael Berndtsson,
Marco Seiriö:
Seamless formal verification of complex event processing applications.
DEBS 2007: 50-61 |
20 |  | AnnMarie Ericsson,
Mikael Berndtsson:
REX, the rule and event eXplorer.
DEBS 2007: 71-74 |
| 2006 |
19 |  | AnnMarie Ericsson,
Mikael Berndtsson:
Detecting Design Errors in Composite Events for Event Triggered Real-Time Systems Using Timed Automata.
SCW 2006: 39-50 |
| 2005 |
18 |  | Marco Seiriö,
Mikael Berndtsson:
Design and Implementation of an ECA Rule Markup Language.
RuleML 2005: 98-112 |
| 2003 |
17 |  | B. Olsson,
Mikael Berndtsson,
Björn Lundell,
Jörgen Hansson:
Running research-oriented final year projects for CS and IS students.
SIGCSE 2003: 79-83 |
16 |  | Mikael Berndtsson,
Bengt Calestam:
Graphical notations for active rules in UML and UML-A.
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 28(2): 2 (2003) |
| 2000 |
15 |  | Mikael Berndtsson,
Jörgen Hansson:
Time is the Shadow of Reactive Behavior.
IDEAS 2000: 417-423 |
| 1999 |
14 |  | Mikael Berndtsson,
Jonas Mellin,
Urban Högberg:
Visualization of the Composite Event Detection Process.
UIDIS 1999: 118-127 |
13 |  | Jörgen Hansson,
Mikael Berndtsson:
Active Real-Time Database Systems.
Active Rules in Database Systems 1999: 405-426 |
| 1998 |
12 |  | Andreas Geppert,
Mikael Berndtsson,
Daniel F. Lieuwen,
Claudia Roncancio:
Performance Evaluation of Object-Oriented Active Database Systems Using the BEAST Benchmark.
TAPOS 4(3): 135-149 (1998) |
| 1997 |
11 |  | Andreas Geppert,
Mikael Berndtsson:
Rules in Database Systems, Third International Workshop, RIDS '97, Skövde, Sweden, June 26-28, 1997, Proceedings
Springer 1997 |
10 |  | Mikael Berndtsson,
Sharma Chakravarthy,
Brian Lings:
Result Sharing Among Agents Using Reactive Rules.
CIA 1997: 126-137 |
9 |  | Mikael Berndtsson,
Sharma Chakravarthy,
Brian Lings:
Task Sharing among Agents using Reactive Rules.
CoopIS 1997: 56-65 |
8 |  | Mikael Berndtsson,
Sharma Chakravarthy,
Brian Lings:
Extending Database Support for Coordination Among Agents.
Int. J. Cooperative Inf. Syst. 6(3-4): 315-340 (1997) |
| 1996 |
7 |  | Mikael Berndtsson,
Jörgen Hansson:
Active and Real-Time Database Systems (ARTDB-95), Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Active and Real-Time Database Systems, Skövde, Sweden, 9-11 June 1995
Springer 1996 |
6 |  | Mikael Berndtsson,
Sharma Chakravarthy,
Brian Lings:
Cooperative Problem Solving: A New Direction for Active Databases.
CODAS 1996: 398-401 |
5 |  | Sten Andler,
Jörgen Hansson,
Joakim Eriksson,
Jonas Mellin,
Mikael Berndtsson,
Bengt Eftring:
DeeDS Towards a Distributed and Active Real-Time Database System.
SIGMOD Record 25(1): 38-40 (1996) |
4 |  | Mikael Berndtsson,
Jörgen Hansson:
Workshop Report: The First International Workshop on Active and Real-Time Database Systems (ARTDB-95).
SIGMOD Record 25(1): 64-66 (1996) |
| 1995 |
3 |  | Mikael Berndtsson,
Jörgen Hansson:
Issues in Active Real-Time Databases.
ARTDB 1995: 142-157 |
| 1994 |
2 |  | Mikael Berndtsson:
Reactive Object-Oriented Databases and CIM.
DEXA 1994: 769-778 |
| 1992 |
1 |  | Mikael Berndtsson,
Brian Lings:
On Developing Reactive Object-Oriented Databases.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 15(1-4): 31-34 (1992) |